Easy Strategies to Get Back Into Your Healthy Routines If the Pandemic Has gotten You Off Track

The coronavirus pandemic has been challenging for everyone. If you are a little bit heavier than you were when the pandemic started, your healthy eating habits have gotten derailed in the past year and a half, and you can’t remember the last time you did a heart pounding working, don’t worry because you are not alone. The bad news is it looks like COVID is something we will have to manage for a bit longer so the best thing you can do for yourself and your health is to start slowly getting your lifestyle back on track.

First of all, be kind to yourself! Finding a path through this stressful COVID-19 chaos has been tough for all of us— from full-time parents working from home who are also now schooling their children at the kitchen table, to the newly remote worker trying to adapt to a new routine. This situation has forced all of us to make new life decisions and confront new challenges. If it has landed you in a no-time-or-energy-for-healthy-habits-rut, take heart. Let’s take a look at some common challenges and learn some strategies for how to tackle them.

Create a new exercise routine

If you fitness habits aren’t what they used to be, that’s okay, but it is important to get back on track as soon as you can. Studies have shown that people who exercised regularly and then tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 were less likely to experience more severe COVID-19 outcomes. Another research group demonstrated in a January 2021 study that greater exercise capacity was a significant predictor of lower risk for COVID complications.

Creating a brand new exercise routine could be the ticket if you need to get out of a funk when it comes to your physical fitness. For instance, working out in the morning offers key benefits, like increased calorie burn throughout the day and improved brain function, so getting up early to do some activity may be a great idea for you.

If you’re having a hard time getting motivated (and staying that way), I can help! While nutrition is my forte, I have also been an American Council Certified Personal Trainer since 2004. Hiring a personal trainer can help you stay active, create a routine that you don’t dread doing, personalize it to your goals, and give you support when you need it. In addition, you know that with a professional, you will learn the proper form for the exercises you’re doing (so you don’t hurt yourself!) and you’ll also have someone to hold you accountable for the goals you set.

Also, don’t be afraid to set your exercise routine to music. This can often serve as an excellent motivator to help you stick with it. Pick up a good set of headphones (earbuds are also a great option) and pair them with your smartphone. That way, you’ll have tunes ready to go whenever and wherever you decide to exercise.

Another great and free option is to find a buddy to workout with. Socializing while being active can help your spirit and morale, motivate you and benefit your whole body and soul. Just being around other people who are being active is motivating so if you used to belong to a gym, consider renewing that habit while practicing safe habits such as wearing a mask and wiping down machines. Lastly, your exercise buddy doesn’t even have to be human! Dogs make wonder walking and even running companions, plus that give so much unconditional love back in return.

Evaluate your grocery habits and Keep eating those home-cooked meals

During the pandemic it was difficult for most people to get to the grocery store on a regular basis. This lead to a change in shopping, cooking, and eating habits. Shopping with grocery delivery apps, online markets and curbside pickup has changed the game in terms of how people get their food and non-perishables. It provides the opportunity to shop leisurely online for healthy options without the temptations of processed foods you get when walking down the aisles of grocery stores.

The importance of a nutrient dense diet also became clear so now is a good time to explore your local options like shopping at health foods stores or local farmer’s market (in season) instead of at the national grocery chains. Health food stores usually have a larger selection of organic fresh foods giving you the opportunity to stock up on veggies, whole grains, nuts, beans and legumes as well as organic and pasture raised meats. Choosing unprocessed foods can help you to shore up your diet so you can get the nutrients you need to get back to your healthiest self. One word of caution though: just because it is organic doesn’t mean it is healthy. An organic pop-tart is still not a good choice except as a very occasional treat.

Another option and win-win for your health AND the environment is to sign up for a food delivery service like Imperfect Produce where you can gain access to less than perfect looking produce and surplus foods that would normally be thrown away at great prices. Or join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) in your area. Use this link to find out more and check for ones in your area.

Don’t neglect your mental health

The physical worries of COVID-19 aren’t the only culprit of your potentially disappearing healthy habits. Anxiety, stress, and depression are common responses to the pandemic, as we socially distanced from our regular support systems and had fears about the virus itself. Even as vaccine rates are up, the threat remains.

There are some simple things you can do right now in your home to improve your outlook and mood. Mental health is impacted by your environment and if you now work from home, you might need to do some purging. For me personally, I have a hard time working and focusing is my house is a mess which leads to more “mental clutter.” If your home is dirty, or your family is arguing, feelings of claustrophobia can slip in. Clutter, in particular, has been linked to anxiety. Turning your home into a fresh, bright space where you feel safe, secure, and calm is one of the best things you can do for your mental health. Just start small, clean one room at a time, and take a deep breath when it’s done.

A challenge, yes — but not insurmountable

Are you ready to take back your physical and mental health, one meal and one step at a time? Get in touch with Koslo’s Nutrition Solutions today to learn more about how you can transform your life and be the best, healthiest self you can be moving into 2022.


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